Enumeration that decribes annotation types supported by GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET...Options Assembly: GroupDocs.Annotation (in...rectangular area within the document page Arrow 4 The annotation...
Free online Document text and metadata extractor. Secure and easy to use HTM text and metadata parser and extractor... Fast and easy HTM document text and metadata extractor... , and many more file and document formats (see ) Read , , ,...
Provides tags that mark metadata properties holding information about the people contributed to file or intellectual content creation. These tags can help you to find the Document creator editor or even the client for whom the work was performed. Despite the name of the category some metadata properties marked with the tags can contain a company name rather than a persons name....tags can help you to find the document creator, editor or even the...original author of a file/document. Editor { get; } Gets the...
Represents the Barcode verify options....Options Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...AllPages Flag to verify each document page. By default value is...
Contains check-box input form field signature properties....Domain Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...signature was deleted from the document. This property is being used...
Contains radio-button input form field signature properties....Domain Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...signature was deleted from the document. This property is being used...
Get FREE technical support for GroupDocs APIs from our developers using free support forum....Viewer Product Family document-viewer , dotnet 1 24 February...Viewer Product Family java , document-viewer 2 21 February 18, 2024...
Get FREE technical support for GroupDocs APIs from our developers using free support forum....Viewer Product Family document-viewer , dotnet 1 24 February...Viewer Product Family java , document-viewer 2 21 February 18, 2024...
Represents an image inside a Document....Represents an image inside a document. Inheritance Hierarchy System...GroupDocs.Watermark.Contents.Image Assembly: GroupDocs.Watermark (in GroupDocs...
Represents a read-only collection of DocumentTableColumn objects of a particular DocumentTable instance....Assembly - API Reference GroupDocs.Assembly - API Reference...Reference GroupDocs.Assembly.Data DocumentTableColumnC Class DocumentTableColumnC...