Gets a value indicating whether the Document is encrypted and requires a password to open....value indicating whether the document is encrypted and requires...GroupDocs.Metadata.Common Assembly: GroupDocs.Metadata (in GroupDocs...
Gets the password for the file....Dictionaries Assembly: GroupDocs.Search (in GroupDocs...String The full file path or a document key. Return Value Type: String...
The annotation Document type...enumeration The annotation document type public enum DocumentType...GroupDocs.Annotation.Models assembly GroupDocs.Annotation BoxStyle...
Contains Pdf Document metadata...PdfDocumentInfo class Contains Pdf document metadata public class PdfDocumentInfo...IsPasswordProtected { get; } Gets is document password protected Item {...
Provides options for the Document joining....class Provides options for the document joining. public class JoinOptions...GroupDocs.Merger.Domain.Options assembly GroupDocs.Merger ImportDocumentOption...
Interface for the Document saving options....Interface Interface for the document saving options. Namespace:...GroupDocs.Merger.Domain.Options Assembly: GroupDocs.Merger (in GroupDocs...
Defines base operations allowing working with Dublin Core metadata....DublinCore Assembly: GroupDocs.Metadata (in GroupDocs...package extracted from the document. See Also Reference GroupDocs...
Height of original Document...Property Height of original document Namespace: GroupDocs.Comparison...Comparison.Options Assembly: GroupDocs.Comparison (in GroupDocs.Comparison...
Width of original Document...Property Width of original document Namespace: GroupDocs.Comparison...Comparison.Options Assembly: GroupDocs.Comparison (in GroupDocs.Comparison...