Initializes new instance of Signature class with Document provided by stream....instance of Signature class with document provided by stream. Namespace:...Namespace: GroupDocs.Signature Assembly: GroupDocs.Signature (in GroupDocs...
Gets the information about the format of the loaded Document....about the format of the loaded document. public IDocumentInfo GetDocumentInfo...about getting the document information Get document info . Examples...
List of changes....Comparison Document Class Document Properties Changes...Password Property Stream Property Document Changes Property List of changes...
Processes changes in revisions and the result is written to the Document stream....the result is written to the document stream. Namespace: GroupDocs...Comparison.Words.Revision Assembly: GroupDocs.Comparison (in...
Makes a new Document with some pages from the source Document....a new document with some pages from the source document. public...about how to extract specific document pages or page range: How to...
Represents a Document page description....PageInfo Class Represents a document page description. Inheritance...GroupDocs.Watermark.Common Assembly: GroupDocs.Watermark (in GroupDocs...
Moves page to a new position within Document of known to a new position within document of known format. public another position within document: How to move PDF, Word, Excel...
Encapsulates Document protection options for the WordProcessing Document which is generated from HTML...WordProcessingProtec class Encapsulates document protection options for the...the WordProcessing document, which is generated from HTML public...
Removes password from Document....method Removes password from document. public void RemovePassword...More about how to protect document with password: How to protect...