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custom annotation appearance

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  1. Add Text Watermark to XLSX using Java

    This guide demonstrates the process of how to add text watermark to XLSX using Java. Additionally, you'll get a code example to insert text watermark to XLSX in Java....Annotation Product Family GroupDocs...subtly improve the document’s appearance while communicating essential...
  2. GroupDocs.Viewer Product Family - Free Support ...

    Get technical support of GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET and Java....issue converting certain annotation on PDF to HTML document-viewer...dotnet 4 99 June 12, 2024 Customize GroupDocs.Viewer UI client...
  3. Sign document with extensions | Documentation

    This article shows how to create electronic signatures with additional visual extensions...Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  4. Skip loading of external resources | Documentation

    Learn this article and check how to restrict loading of external resources during conversion...Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  5. Features overview | Documentation

    Salient features of file conversion API using Java are described in this article...Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  6. GroupDocs.Signature for Java 21.2 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for Java 21.2 Major Features This release contains important bug fixes related to processing Digital Signatures with its generated unique identifiers for supported document types. Also this update contains the fix document preview. Below the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 21.1: Added ability to get history of actions performed with a document. Implemented time stamp options for digital signatures in PDF documents....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  7. GroupDocs.Editor for .NET 20.9 Release Notes | ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Editor for .NET 20.9 GroupDocs.Editor for .NET version 20.9 contains mostly bug fixes, but also a list of different improvements, which, however, don’t alter the public API. All of them are described below. Improvements Added new list item numeric markers Microsoft Word and Office Open XML format support a lot of different list item numeric markers, not only usual Arabic or Roman numbers and Latin letters....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  8. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 16.12.0 Release No...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 16.12.0 Major Features There are over 20 improvements and fixes in this regular release. The most notable are: Introduced multiple signature for all signature types Text Signature, Image Signature and Digital Signature Introduced text alignment options Text Signature Introduced margins options Text Signature Introduced ability to sign all pages of Pdf document with Digital Signatures Introduced Pdf Digital Signature alignment on pages Introduced Margins for Pdf Digital Signature with Alignment options Improved validation layer Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-2026 Add ability to sign files with digital signature by given pattern in folder New Feature SIGNATURENET-2027 Add ability to sign files with image signature by given pattern in folder New Feature SIGNATURENET-2113 Implement Text Signature alignment for PDF Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2129 Implement Text Signature alignment for Words Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2131 Implement Text Signature alignment for Cells Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2133 Implement Text Signature alignment for Slides Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2307 Add ability to sign files with text signature by given pattern in folder New Feature SIGNATURENET-2349 Implement Digital Signature for all pages for Pdf documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2368 Implement Text Signature Margins for PDF Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2370 Implement Text Signature Margins for Cells Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2372 Implement ability to sign Slides Documents with given list of Signature Options New Feature SIGNATURENET-2372 Implement Text Signature Margins for Words Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2374 Implement Text Signature Margins for Slides Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2384 Implement ability to put Digital Signature on all pages for Pdf Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2385 Implement Digital Signature Alignment for Pdf Documents New Feature SIGNATURENET-2392 Implement ability to sign Pdf Documents with given list of Signature Options New Feature SIGNATURENET-2397 Implement ability to sign Cells Documents with given list of Signature Options New Feature SIGNATURENET-2402 Implement ability to sign Words Documents with given list of Signature Options New Feature SIGNATURENET-2377 Pdf Text Signature - Adjust Signature Area when Width or Height properties are specified Bug Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  9. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 18.5 Release Notes | ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 18.5. Major Features There are 14 features, improvements, and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: Changing language for Email document headers Setting page size when rendering Email documents Support for rendering password protected ODT and OTT formats Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERNET-1591 Setting page size when rendering Email documents as PDF and image New Feature VIEWERNET-1571 Changing language for header of emails New Feature VIEWERNET-1587 Add new property EnableCaching which will replace UseCache property in ViewerConfig class Improvement VIEWERNET-1580 Add support for rendering password protected ODT and OTT formats Improvement VIEWERNET-1573 Support JpegQuality option when rendering OneNote documents into PDF Improvement VIEWERNET-1561 Extend support for DefaultFontName option for MS Project documents when rendering into PDF Improvement VIEWERNET-1595 The voluminous email is not fully rendered into image Bug VIEWERNET-1559 Images and diagrams are missing when rendering OTS file Bug VIEWERNET-1532 Text’s shadow appears in the output HTML Bug VIEWERNET-1527 Issues when rendering Excel document with vertical Japanese writing Bug VIEWERNET-1464 Text overlaps when viewing HTML in Mozilla Firefox Bug VIEWERNET-1256 Content is missing when rendering PDF document into HTML Bug VIEWERNET-1016 Link with external URL in PDF document is not rendered as hyperlink Bug VIEWERNET-1599 The output image is cropped when rendering HTML as image Bug Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution About About Us Contact Customers Legal Security Events Acquisition...
  10. How to Fix a virtualPath Issue in the SharePoin...

    This article will guide you how to resolve a virtualPath issue that may appear in SharePoint 2013 when trying to add a 3rd party library (for example SignalR), or when you use the “~” symbol in the path. We encountered this issue while developing a plugin that allows you to integrate the GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET library into SharePoint. Overall, the issue is quite strange, as it is not reported in the stack trace or logs....virtualPath issue that may appear in SharePoint 2013 when integrate the GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET library into SharePoint...