Signs document with collection of SignOptions and saves result to specified file path with predefined SaveOptions....Signs document with collection of SignOptions and saves result to specified file path with predefined SaveOptions.
This writing style guide describes how content should be written, organized, spelled, and formatted on MDN Web Docs....This writing style guide describes how content should be written, organized, spelled, and formatted on MDN Web Docs.
Main clAss which encapsulates conversion methods. Editor clAss provides methods for loading editing and saving documents of all supportable formats. It is disposable so use a using directive or dispose its resources manually via Dispose method call. Document loading is performed through constructors. Document editing through method Edit and saving back to the resultant document after edit through method Save....Main class which encapsulates conversion methods. Editor class provides methods for loading editing and saving documents of all supportable formats. It is disposable so use a using directive or dispose its resources manually via Dispose method call. Document loading is performed through constructors. Document editing through method Edit and saving back to the resultant document after edit through method Save.
Git is very permissive about what characters are allowed in branch and tag names. When using Git from a command-line shell, you may need to escape or quote special characters....Git is very permissive about what characters are allowed in branch and tag names. When using Git from a command-line shell, you may need to escape or quote special characters.
Add image watermarks or apply text watermarks to PDF files in Java. Apply watermarks to all & selective pages of PDF using GroupDocs Watermarking Java API....Add image watermarks or apply text watermarks to PDF files in Java. Apply watermarks to all & selective pages of PDF using GroupDocs Watermarking Java API.
Learn how to merge images to JPEG file, combine images into one JPEG file programmatically in C# language using GroupDocs.Merger for .NET library....Learn how to merge images to JPEG file, combine images into one JPEG file programmatically in C# language using GroupDocs.Merger for .NET library.