Initializes a new instance of MetadatAsearchRedaction clAss, using item name and value to match redacted items....Initializes a new instance of MetadataSearchRedaction class, using item name and value to match redacted items.
Gets a value indicating whether a data length indicator hAs been added to the frame. The data length indicator is the value one would write...Gets a value indicating whether a data length indicator has been added to the frame. The data length indicator is the value one would write
Gets or sets a user-defined text string that serves As a descriptive title for the document. Maximum length is 63 characters....Gets or sets a user-defined text string that serves as a descriptive title for the document. Maximum length is 63 characters.
Extracts barcodes from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains barcodes)....Extracts barcodes from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains barcodes).