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area annotations

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  1. GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 18.4 Release Note...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 18.4 Major Features Below is the list of new features improvements and fixes in this release of GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 18.4: Added ability to import distance Annotations in Words format Improve import of Annotations for Words format Fixed several bugs regarding to PDF annotation import Fixed TextField Annotations import for Diagrams format Fixed export some types of annotation for Diagrams format Improved Replacement annotation for text in different paragraphs Fixed import text field for Diagram documents Fixed bug with import text Annotations from Pdf Fixed resizing image when user pass width and height Fixed creating of Arrow annotation for Diagrams Fixed issue with wrong distance structure after export in diagram Fixed issue with wrong Polyline structure after export in diagram Fixed bug with hanging of sample while importing distance annotation for Slides format Fixed bug when importing Area annotation Fixed bug with importing Annotations for diagrams Improved export of underline text annotation for PDF Improved export strikeout text annotation for PDF Improved creating Annotations from colored or transparent text Fixed transparent text for all formats Fixed bug when importing text for TextField annotation in Diagrams Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type ANNOTATIONNET-563 Implement import of distance annotation for Words document New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-583 Add text redaction annotation in Slides document New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-560 Merge similar Annotations when importing from a MSWord document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-559 Improve import of text Annotations for Words document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-548 Merge similar Annotations when importing from a MSWord document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-546 Improve replacement annotation for text in different paragraphs Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-582 Add point with text for text annotation Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-573 Improve export of text Annotations in Slides document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-570 Improve annotation export for big font sizes for Slides document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-606 Implement accepting SVG path also with spaces not only with commas Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-602 Improve CleanUp for diagram Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-545 Bug with import and export distance Annotations in Pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-544 Bug with import text Annotations from Pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-543 Bug with import arrow annotation from Pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-538 AnnotationImageHandler....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Annotation Product Family / GroupDocs.Annotation for Java...
  2. package-summary - GroupDocs.Redaction for Java ...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......a redaction that replaces annotation text (comments, etc.) matching...text redaction that deletes annotations if text is matching given...
  3. Add annotation to the document | Documentation

    The page describes document Annotations of different types and how to add Annotations to a document using GroupDocs.Annotation API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Annotation Product Family / GroupDocs.Annotation for Java...
  4. PageAreaRedaction | GroupDocs.Redaction for Jav...

    Represents a complex textual redaction that affects text images and Annotations in an Area of the page....affects text, images and annotations in an area of the page. Learn...RegionReplacementOpt options with color and area parameters. applyTo(DocumentFormatInstan...
  5. Highlight Text in PDF

    Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....feature by using highlight annotations within your to highlight text and any area in PDF files using C# . It is...
  6. Add Distance Annotation to JPG using C#

    This article is designed to assist you how to add distance annotation in JPG using C# along with comprehensive steps to insert distance annotation to JPG in C#....Annotation Product Family GroupDocs...Distance Annotation to JPG using C# Adding distance annotations to...
  7. ArrowAnnotation Class - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Represents arrow annotation properties...Annotation for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Annotation...GroupDocs.Annotation.Models Namespaces GroupDocs.Annotation.Models...
  8. annotation.xml

    1.0 utf-8 yes
  9. Image Annotation

    Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....format list, Now Image file Annotation is also introduced. The latest...latest GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET provides support all major...
  10. Net GIF Annotation API Annotate in C#

    Net API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from GIF, images, drawings and document file formats....Annotation / .NET / Annotate GIF from Net Download...GroupDocs.Annotation for Net API GroupDocs.Annotation for Net API...