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  1. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 19.5 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 19.5 Major Features There are few new features, improvements and bug fixes in this regular release. Most features are related to support of djvu format for most service methods, implementation of serialization and encryption of custom data objects into Metadata signatures with ability to extract them back and specify custom serialization and data encryption. Also this release contains some internal security and licensing improvements....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...SIGNATURENET-2020 Fix exception for de-serialization of encrypted string...
  2. Looking to utilize blended characters and wildc...

    post. Tagged with net, inDexing, api, groupdocs....NET is a text search API offering you necessary...animações em scroll e scroll infinito de forma nativa e sem libs William...
  3. Implement custom serialization with Metadata si...

    This article explains how to implement custom serialization for Metadata electronic signatures....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...two methods to serialize and de-serialize data. Here are the...
  4. chunk-D5B2L7LX.js

    var LL=Object.create;var _h=Object.DefineProperty,jL=Object.DefineProperties,$L=Object.getOwnPropertyDescri,UL=Object.getOwnPropertyDescri,BL=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,bh=Object.getOwnPropertySymb......:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;"",de=class extends Error{constructor(e...
  5. GroupDocs.Signature for Java 19.7 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for Java 19.7 Major Features There are few new features, improvements and bug fixes in this regular release. Most features are related to support of djvu format for most service methods, implementation of serialization and encryption of custom data objects into Metadata signatures with ability to extract them back and specify custom serialization and data encryption. Also this release contains some internal security and licensing improvements....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...SIGNATURENET-2020 Fix exception for de-serialization of encrypted string...
  6. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 20.4 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 20.4 Major Features This release contains implemented features on ability to obtain BarcoDe and QR-coDe signatures image content when creating electronic signatures or searching for them, new enhancements on storing and retrieving signature metadata information, important bug fixes with digital signatures processing, and another significant fixes and improvements. Below the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Signature for ....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...featured JSON serialization and de-serialization support was implemented...
  7. GroupDocs.Signature for Java 20.9 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for Java 20.9 Major Features This release contains implemented features on ability to obtain BarcoDe and QR-coDe signatures image content when creating electronic signatures or searching for them, new enhancements on storing and retrieving signature metadata information, ability to process Presentation documents with electronic digital signatures such as sign document with certificates, verify and search Presentation files for digital signatures, ability to add native Word processing Watermark signature, obtain with document common information the list of electronic digital signatures in it, fixed few bugs and issues....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...featured JSON serialization and de-serialization support was implemented...
  8. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.3 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.3 Major Features There are about seven improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures and alternative implementation of Stamp Signatures. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures Implemented standard QR-CoDe embedDed objects like VCard contact Details and Email formats Involved ability to search custom objects and obtain them from QR-CoDe Signatures Updated Dynamic Metered library with latest changes and fixes Implemented new SliDes format like otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm Fixed few bugs with SliDes and Words format files extensions Introduced new type of Stamp Signature Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3294 Signed ....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...specify custom serialization and de-serialization of objects. New...
  9. GroupDocs.Signature for Java 18.6 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for Java 18.6 Major Features There are about seven improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures and alternative implementation of Stamp Signatures. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures Implemented standard QR-CoDe embedDed objects like VCard contact Details and Email formats Involved ability to search custom objects and obtain them from QR-CoDe Signatures Updated Dynamic Metered library with latest changes and fixes Implemented new SliDes format like otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm Fixed few bugs with SliDes and Words format files extensions Introduced new type of Stamp Signature Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3413 Implement standard QRCoDe embedDed classes VCard, Email New Feature SIGNATURENET-3400 Implement ability to search custom object to QR-CoDe Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3396 Implement ability to encoDe custom object to QR-CoDe Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3393 Add ability to process new SliDes file formats (otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm) New Feature SIGNATURENET-3391 Implement Square type of Stamp Signatures New Feature SIGNATURENET-3294 Signed ....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...specify custom serialization and de-serialization of objects. New...
  10. Template Syntax - Part 1 of 2 | GroupDocs.Assem...

    This article is the first part of the Template Syntax series of articles. For second part, please visit Template Syntax - Part 2 of 2. Composing Template A typical template for GroupDocs.Assembly Engine is composed of common document contents and tags that Describe the template’s structure and data bindings. You can form these tags using just running text that can occupy multiple paragraphs to be more Descriptive. A tag body must meet the following requirements:...Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...these tags using just running text that can occupy multiple paragraphs...