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  1. Search for encrypted text in QR-code signatures...

     This article explains how to search for encrypted text in QR-coDe electronic signatures in the document metadata. This topic contains example of standard encryption usage and searching for encrypted text in the QR-coDe electronic signature with further Decryption by GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  2. Search for encrypted text in Metadata signature...

     This article explains how to search for encrypted text electronic signatures in the document metadata. This topic contains example of using standard encryption and search for encrypted text in the document metadata with further Decryption by GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  3. chunk-D5B2L7LX.js

    var LL=Object.create;var _h=Object.DefineProperty,jL=Object.DefineProperties,$L=Object.getOwnPropertyDescri,UL=Object.getOwnPropertyDescri,BL=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,bh=Object.getOwnPropertySymb......MouseEvent("click"))}catch{var c=document.createEvent("MouseEvents");c...l){var d=r.URL||r.webkitURL,m=document.createElement("a");c=c||a...
  4. Search for encrypted objects Metadata signature...

     This article explains how to search for encrypted electronic signatures in the document metadata. This topic contains example of using standard encryption, serialization, class Definition and search for embedDed objects in the document metadata with GroupDocs.Signature....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  5. Search for encrypted objects Metadata signature...

     This article explains how to search for encrypted electronic signatures in the document metadata. This topic contains example of using standard encryption, serialization, class Definition and search for embedDed objects in the document metadata with GroupDocs.Signature....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  6. Template Syntax - Part 1 of 2 | GroupDocs.Assem...

    This article is the first part of the Template Syntax series of articles. For second part, please visit Template Syntax - Part 2 of 2. Composing Template A typical template for GroupDocs.Assembly Engine is composed of common document contents and tags that Describe the template’s structure and data bindings. You can form these tags using just running text that can occupy multiple paragraphs to be more Descriptive. A tag body must meet the following requirements:...Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Engine is composed of common document contents and tags that describe...
  7. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.5 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.5 Major Features There are about more than ten improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to serialize and encrypt text or objects of QR-CoDe Signatures with standard or custom encryption implementation. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encrypt QR-CoDe content with standard symmetric algorithm implementations Implemented property of QR-CoDe Signature Options to specify custom encryption algorithm Involved support of new Cells file formats (ots, xltx, xltm) AdDed ability to specify custom serialization for QR-CoDe Signature object over attributes or by Options property Implemented support of CRT and CER file format for verification of digital Signatures for all supported Document types Fixed exception when accessing Pdf document without specified metadata Updated calculation for processing pages for Cells Documents Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3461 Implement standard symmetric algorithm for QRCoDe Signature data encryption New Feature SIGNATURENET-3460 Extend QRCoDe Signature to specify custom encryption dynamically New Feature SIGNATURENET-3424 Add ability to process new Cells file formats (ots, xltx, xltm) New Feature SIGNATURENET-3422 Implement custom encryption for embedDed QR CoDe Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3417 Implement custom serialization for embedDed objects in QR CoDe Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3470 Implement support of CRT and CER digital certificates files types for Verification Improvement SIGNATURENET-3473 Tests for digital PDF signatures are failed with message “PKCS#1 does not support ocsp, timestamp settings, use PKCS#7” Bug SIGNATURENET-3472 Add messages for exceptions that were thrown during making certificate objects for digital signatures Bug SIGNATURENET-3469 Exception when accessing Pdf document without specified metadata Bug SIGNATURENET-3170 Incorrect number of pages calculation for all Cells Options Bug Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  8. GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.3 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 18.3 Major Features There are about seven improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures and alternative implementation of Stamp Signatures. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures Implemented standard QR-CoDe embedDed objects like VCard contact Details and Email formats Involved ability to search custom objects and obtain them from QR-CoDe Signatures Updated Dynamic Metered library with latest changes and fixes Implemented new SliDes format like otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm Fixed few bugs with SliDes and Words format files extensions Introduced new type of Stamp Signature Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3294 Signed ....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  9. GroupDocs.Signature for Java 18.6 Release Notes...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Signature for Java 18.6 Major Features There are about seven improvements, new features and fixes in this regular release. Most new features are related to ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures and alternative implementation of Stamp Signatures. The most notable changes are: Introduced ability to encoDe custom objects to QR-CoDe Signatures Implemented standard QR-CoDe embedDed objects like VCard contact Details and Email formats Involved ability to search custom objects and obtain them from QR-CoDe Signatures Updated Dynamic Metered library with latest changes and fixes Implemented new SliDes format like otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm Fixed few bugs with SliDes and Words format files extensions Introduced new type of Stamp Signature Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type SIGNATURENET-3413 Implement standard QRCoDe embedDed classes VCard, Email New Feature SIGNATURENET-3400 Implement ability to search custom object to QR-CoDe Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3396 Implement ability to encoDe custom object to QR-CoDe Signature New Feature SIGNATURENET-3393 Add ability to process new SliDes file formats (otp, potx, potm, pptm, ppsm) New Feature SIGNATURENET-3391 Implement Square type of Stamp Signatures New Feature SIGNATURENET-3294 Signed ....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Signature Product...
  10. GroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.08 Release Notes |...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.8 Major Features There are 11 features and enhancements in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: SEARCHNET-1146 Fix all arguments classes according to best practices SEARCHNET-1091 Remove obsolete SimilarityLevel property from SearchParameters SEARCHNET-474 Implement accent-insensitive inDexing SEARCHNET-576 Add FileInDexing event for selecting custom inDexing strategy for separate document SEARCHNET-1092 Implement option for the spelling corrector ‘Only best results’ SEARCHNET-1096 Implement option for the fuzzy search ‘Only best results’ SEARCHNET-1098 Implement Limit for Searching Report SEARCHNET-1099 Implement Limit for InDexing Report SEARCHNET-1129 Implement method that generates text with highlighted search results SEARCHNET-1135 Implement inDexing ZIP archives SEARCHNET-1148 Add StatusChanged event to InDex class All Changes Key Summary Category SEARCHNET-1146 Fix all arguments classes according to best practices Breaking Change SEARCHNET-1091 Remove obsolete SimilarityLevel property from SearchParameters Enhancement SEARCHNET-474 Implement accent-insensitive inDexing New Feature SEARCHNET-576 Add FileInDexing event for selecting custom inDexing strategy for separate document New Feature SEARCHNET-1092 Implement option for the spelling corrector ‘Only best results’ New Feature SEARCHNET-1096 Implement option for the fuzzy search ‘Only best results’ New Feature SEARCHNET-1098 Implement Limit for Searching Report New Feature SEARCHNET-1099 Implement Limit for InDexing Report New Feature SEARCHNET-1129 Implement method that generates text with highlighted search results New Feature SEARCHNET-1135 Implement inDexing ZIP archives New Feature SEARCHNET-1148 Add StatusChanged event to InDex class New Feature Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition GroupDocs Documentation / GroupDocs.Search Product...