Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpColorantLab...Returns string contained value in XMP format. (Inherited from XmpComplexType...
Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpColorantCmyk...Returns string contained value in XMP format. (Inherited from XmpComplexType...
Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpComplexType...Returns string contained value in XMP format. (Overrides XmpMetadataContainer...
Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpTimecode...Returns string contained value in XMP format. (Inherited from XmpComplexType...
Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpFont...Returns string contained value in XMP format. (Inherited from XmpComplexType...
Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpDimensions...Returns string contained value in XMP format. (Inherited from XmpComplexType...
Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well....Xmp Namespaces GroupDocs.Metadata.Standards.Xmp XmpMetadataContainer...GetXmpRepresentation Converts the XMP value to the XML representation...