Files with WMF extension represent Microsoft Windows Metafile (WMF) for storing vector as well as bitmap-format images data. Learn more about t...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
Files with .PST extension represent Outlook Personal Storage Files (also called Personal Storage Table) that store variety of user information....Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
VSS are stencil files created with Microsoft Visio 2007 and earlier. Stencil files provide drawing objects that can be included in a .VSD Visio...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
Enhanced Windows Metafile (.emf) represents graphical images device-independently. Meta-files of EMF comprises of variable-length records in chronological order...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType EMF...
Did you ever wish to get image representation of a document? GroupDocs.Merger for Java 19.6 will make your wish come true. This feature is also helpful for front end application development.
Let’s have a look at its implementation.
It will return page number and page stream. Using getPagePreview method you will get list of page image representations for a document of known format. So, source document file format should be for some new file formats: XLT XLTM XLTX TSV LaTex Let’s now...
PowerPoint Open XML Presentation (.pptx) is a presentation file created with popular Microsoft PowerPoint application. Unlike the previous version of presentati...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XPS...
Excel Open XML Spreadsheet Template (.Xltx) files are based on the Office OpenXML file format specifications. It is used to create a standard template file that...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XPS...