LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) is a free software license published by the Free Software Foundation. The LGPL provides a more permissive alternative for the strictly copyleft GPL. While any derivative work using a GPL-licensed program must be released under the same terms (free to use, share, study, and modify), the LGPL only requires the LGPL-licensed component of the derivative program to continue using the LGPL, not the whole program. LGPL is usually used to license shared components such as libraries (.dll, .so, .jar, etc.)....LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License) is a free software license published by the Free Software Foundation. The LGPL provides a more permissive alternative for the strictly copyleft GPL. While any derivative work using a GPL-licensed program must be released under the same terms (free to use, share, study, and modify), the LGPL only requires the LGPL-licensed component of the derivative program to continue using the LGPL, not the whole program. LGPL is usually used to license shared components such as libraries (.dll, .so, .jar, etc.).