Learn about the InputDeviceInfo interface, including its properties and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
Learn about the TaskPriorityChangeEvent interface, including its constructor, properties, and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
Schedule code to run at a specific time in the future. This is like Window.setTimeout() and Window.setInterval(), except that those functions don't work with background pages that are loaded on demand.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
The specificity of the & nesting selector is calculated using the largest specificity in the associated selector list. This is identical to how specificity is calculated when using the :is() function.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
El elemento HTML representa un subtítulo o leyenda asociado al contenido del elemento padre , pudiendo ser colocado como primer o último hijo. Es importante destacar que el elemento es opcional.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
Whitespace refers to characters which are used to provide horizontal or vertical space between other characters. Whitespace is often used to separate tokens in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other computer languages.... View this page on GitHub • Report...
La construcción is global attribute permite especificar que un elemento HTML estándar se debería comportar como un elemento personalizado provisto originalmente por el lenguaje (para más detalles, vea Utilizando elementos personalizados).... View this page on GitHub • Report...