Files with OTT extension represent template documents generated by applications in compliance with the OASIS' OpenDocument standard format. Le...TEXT Field TIF Field TIFF Field TSV Field TXT Field Unknown Field...
Files with MHT extension represent a web page archive format that can be created by a number of different applications. Learn more about this...TEXT Field TIF Field TIFF Field TSV Field TXT Field Unknown Field...
Files with .EPUB extension are an e-book file format that provide a standard digital publication format for publishers and consumers. Learn mor...Field TIFF Field TORRENT Field TSV Field TXT Field Unknown Field...
VSD files are drawings created with Microsoft Visio application to represent variety of graphical objects and the interconnection between these...Field TIFF Field TORRENT Field TSV Field TXT Field Unknown Field...
DOCX is a well-known format for Microsoft Word documents. Introduced from 2007 with the release of Microsoft Office 2007, the structure of this...TEXT Field TIF Field TIFF Field TSV Field TXT Field Unknown Field...