Digital signature (eSignature) for XLTM made easy with GroupDocs Signature. Create your electronic digital signatures and esign XLTM documents for free!...(OpenDocument Presentation) ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) ODT (OpenDocument...(OpenDocument Presentation Template) OTS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template)...
Digital signature (eSignature) for DOTX made easy with GroupDocs Signature. Create your electronic digital signatures and esign DOTX documents for free!...(OpenDocument Presentation) ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) ODT (OpenDocument...(OpenDocument Presentation Template) OTS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template)...
Digital signature (eSignature) for CSV made easy with GroupDocs Signature. Create your electronic digital signatures and esign CSV documents for free!...(OpenDocument Presentation) ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) ODT (OpenDocument...(OpenDocument Presentation Template) OTS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template)...
Digital signature (eSignature) for PNG made easy with GroupDocs Signature. Create your electronic digital signatures and esign PNG documents for free!...(OpenDocument Presentation) ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) ODT (OpenDocument...(OpenDocument Presentation Template) OTS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template)...
Load, render and display EML documents using server side GroupDocs.Viewer .NET library....Processing, Excel Spreadsheet, Presentation, Visio, Project, Outlook...(Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet) .NET XLSM Viewer (Microsoft...
This Topic lists file formats supported by GroupDocs.Viewer for Python....Graphics Metafile Corel Presentation Exchange Image Supported...load and view PDF files: . Presentation file formats Format Description...
Hello Team,
few months back I requested for the EdiTor Example for Word file and I get the code like below
[Route("api/GroupDocsApi/CreateEmptyWordFile")] //To create empty word doc
public async Task<SPRespo…...Save(memoryStream); } break; case "Spreadsheet": using (Editor editor =...Save(memoryStream); } break; case "Presentation": using (Editor editor =...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.merger com.groupdocs.merger.domain com.groupdocs.merger.domain.common com.groupdoc......the embedded document to Presentation via OLE. class OleSpreadsheetOption...the embedded document to Spreadsheet via OLE. class OleWordProcessingOpt...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.merger com.groupdocs.merger.domain com.groupdocs.merger.domain.common com.groupdoc......the embedded document to Presentation via OLE. class OleSpreadsheetOption...the embedded document to Spreadsheet via OLE. class OleWordProcessingOpt...
This article shows how To add Metadata signature To the each document type meta layer with different data types over with GroupDocs.Signature... Spreadsheet documents (Microsoft Office...XLSX, XLS and Open Office Spreadsheet OTS, ODS) keeps same standard...