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regular expression

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  1. Search text in Microsoft Office PowerPoint pres...

    This article explains that how to search text from Microsoft Office PowerPoint(.ppt, .pptx) presentations...presentations - like search with regular expressions, search by pages etc...steps to search with a regular expression in Microsoft Office PowerPoint...
  2. Search text in Microsoft Office Excel spreadshe...

    To search a keyword in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets search(String) method is used. This method returns the collection of SearchResult objects. For details, see Search Text. Here are the steps to search a keyword in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet: Instantiate Parser object for the initial spreadsheet; Call search(String) method and obtain the collection of SearchResult objects; Iterate through the collection and get the position and text. Warning search(String) method returns null value if search isn’t supported for the spreadsheet....spreadsheets - like search with regular expressions, search by pages etc...steps to search with a regular expression in Microsoft Office Excel...
  3. Search text in Microsoft Office PowerPoint pres...

    To search a keyword in Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations search(String) method is used. This method returns the collection of SearchResult objects. For details, see Search Text. Here are the steps to search a keyword in Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation: Instantiate Parser object for the initial presentation; Call search(String) method and obtain the collection of SearchResult objects; Iterate through the collection and get the position and text. Warning search(String) method returns null value if search isn’t supported for the presentation....presentations - like search with regular expressions, search by pages etc...steps to search with a regular expression in Microsoft Office PowerPoint...
  4. MetadataSearchRedaction Class - GroupDocs.Redac...

    Represents a metadata redaction that searches and redacts metadata using Regular Expressions, matching keys and/or values....redacts metadata using regular expressions, matching keys and/or...KeyExpression Gets the regular expression to match name (key) of...
  5. Parser Methods - GroupDocs.Parser for .NET - AP...

    Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources....customization options (regular expression, match case, etc.). GetTextAreas(Int32...customization options (regular expression, match case, etc.). GetToc...
  6. GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 18.7 Release Notes | ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 18.7. Major Features There are the following features in this release: API to provide data for text analysis Support for text analysis API for PDF documents Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type PARSERNET-992 Implement API to provide data for text analysis New feature PARSERNET-956 Implement the support for text analysis API for PDF documents New feature Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in a text with the regular expression and bounds the search...Member Description Expression Regular expression. Null if it isn’t...
  7. ExactPhraseRedaction Methods - GroupDocs.Redact...

    Applies the redaction to a given format instance....method applies a given Regular Expression to an instance of the...
  8. TextSearchCriteria.Pattern Property - GroupDocs...

    Gets the search pattern....Value Type: Regex The regular expression pattern to match. See...
  9. RegexRedaction Constructor (String, Replacement...

    Initializes a new instance of RegexRedaction class....pattern Type: System String Regular expression to search and replace...
  10. IAnnotatedDocument.RedactAnnotation Method - Gr...

    Replaces the matching text in all annotations within the document....RegularExpressions Regex Regular expression to search and replace...