Convierte DOC a PDF, DOCX a HTML, DOCX a JPEG, PDF a DOCX, PDF a HTML, XLSX a PDF, PDF a JPEG, MPP a PDF, PPTX a PDF. Convierte archivos AutoCAD a TIFF o PDF....Convierta los datos de Microsoft Project a Excel formato para su análisis...
I’ve notice in your example Project GroupDocs.Editor-for-Java-Spring that there is no page breaking (pages are merged without ‘separator’ between). Is there any reason that pages are not spaced since in GroupDocs…...I’ve notice in your example project GroupDocs.Editor-for-Java-Spring...
I was recently issued a temporary license for GroupDocs.Parser. Each time I try to set the license in code, I get this exception: GroupDocs.Parser.Exceptions.GroupDocsParserException: ‘Invalid license signature. Please…...0 because my project is .Net Standard 2.0, but that...
Hi There,
I am getting below error on converting DOC to JPG:
Exception in thread “main” class com.groupdocs.conversion.exceptions.GroupDocsConversionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This document contains ma…...document contains macros (VBA project) and you are attempting to...