Files with EPS extension essentially describe an Encapsulated Postscript language program that describes the appearance of a single page. Lear...describe an Encapsulated PostScript language program that describes...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.conversion com.groupdocs.conversion.caching com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts com...... Ps PostScript (PS) is a general-purpose...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.conversion com.groupdocs.conversion.caching com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts com...... Ps PostScript (PS) is a general-purpose...
This month’s release of GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 18.6 comes with some bug fixes, improvements and new features. Issue such as printing complete spreadsheet instead of just printable area is fixed. A new property PageOrientation is introduced in DocumentInfo class. Please take a look over the release notes to get an idea about the new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Features Introduced Implement conversion from DWF Convert specific range when converting cells document Conversion from Postscript specific options for converting CSV documents Setting default zoom when converting to Cells Default zoom when converting to Words Set default zoom when converting to Slides Configurable option for setting a watermark as background Improvements Caching with provided LocalCacheDataHandler Implement configuration option for selecting if blank rows and columns should be skipped when converting Cells document Set zoom when converting to Pdf document Update API for getting document info to detect page orientation for the supported formats Set default font to replace all missing fonts when converting Words document Default font to replace all missing fonts when converting Cells document Conversion improvement when converting Psd and Odg to Pdf Issues Resolved Unable to set watermark text Converting specific docx document fails with Value cannot be null, parameter trueTypeFont Fix failing conversion from Odg Failing conversion from Ifc Just print area is getting converted, not the entire spreadsheet XPS to PDF conversion failed LoadOptions doesn’t possess setDefaultFont method Problem in converting large excel files....document Conversion from PostScript specific options for converting...
Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 23.2 Major Features There are 10+ features, improvements and bug-fixes in this release, most notable are:
Conversion from Amazon Kindle AZW3 format New load option to keep original date field value when converting from wordprocessing document Improved Pdf to JPEG/TIFF conversions Improved DOCX to MD conversions Improved PDF to DOCX conversions Improved conversions from Postscript files Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Category Summary CONVERSIONNET-5429 Feature Conversion from Amazon Kindle AZW3 format CONVERSIONNET-5433 Enhancement New load option to keep original date field value when converting from wordprocessing document CONVERSIONNET-5466 Enhancement Incorrect detection of password protected spreadsheet document when loaded from stream CONVERSIONNET-5416 Fix Comments still visible despite using HideComments when converting docx to pdf CONVERSIONNET-5419 Fix File damaged or corrupt CONVERSIONNET-5394 Fix Cannot convert from multipage Tiff when the source filename extension is “tif” CONVERSIONNET-5393 Fix For a presentation file the value of IsPasswordProtected property is not in PropertiesNames of IDocumentInfo CONVERSIONNET-5237 Fix PDF to JPEG/TIFF conversion problem CONVERSIONNET-5370 Fix HTML to PDF conversion issue CONVERSIONNET-5313 Fix DOCX to PDF conversion issue on Red Hat CONVERSIONNET-5406 Fix DOCX to MD to HTML: Missing formatting CONVERSIONNET-5455 Fix Evaluation tag when converting Pdf to Image on Linux/MacOS CONVERSIONNET-5456 Fix DOCX to PDF conversion: bullets list converted to squares CONVERSIONNET-5494 Fix Particular Excel to PDF conversion - Blank output CONVERSIONNET-5405 Fix DOCX to MD: Unhandled exception CONVERSIONNET-5564 Fix Converting to image may produce larger file size than expected CONVERSIONNET-5470 Fix PDF to JPG - Large File Size of Converted Images CONVERSIONNET-5299 Fix Page orientation issue when converting from DWG to PDF CONVERSIONNET-4719 Fix Exception Parameter is not valid....Improved conversions from PostScript files Full List of Issues...output CONVERSIONNET-4122 Fix PostScript files are converted to a...
psd to tex,Convert TEX to PSD | GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET | Documentation,Convert PSD to TEX | GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET | Documentation,Convert PS to... PS format represents PostScript (PS) with .ps extension....library....Convert PS to TEX PostScript (PS) is a general-purpose...
The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of the application software, hardware, and operating systems. Based on the Postscript language, each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, vector graphics, raster images and other information needed to display it.
This post demonstrates the usage of the GroupDocs.Viewer APIs (GroupDocs.... Based on the PostScript language, each PDF file encapsulates...
Postscript (PS) is a general-purpose page description language used in the business of desktop and electronic publishing. Learn more about thi...ZIP Field FileType PS Field PostScript (PS) is a general-purpose...