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  1. IndexType - GroupDocs.Search for Java - API Ref...

    All Classes Packages but does not support phrase search and date range but does not support phrase search and date range search...
  2. exactphraseredaction - GroupDocs.Redaction for ...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......redaction that replaces exact phrase in the document's text, case...demonstrates performing case-sensitive phrase search and replacement. try...
  3. ExactPhraseRedaction - GroupDocs.Redaction for ...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......redaction that replaces exact phrase in the document's text, case...demonstrates performing case-sensitive phrase search and replacement. try...
  4. Text redactions | Documentation

    This article explains that how Java redaction API allows you to easily redact data of sensitive or private nature from your documents. You can apply text redaction using exact Phrase or regular expression for documents of different formats like PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX and others....redactions Leave feedback Use exact phrase redaction In the example below...redaction, replacing personal exact phrase “John Doe” with “[personal]”...
  5. textredaction - GroupDocs.Redaction for Java - ...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......redaction that replaces exact phrase in the document's text, case...
  6. Pdf Redaction: Hide or Remove Sensitive Content...

    Redact Pdf files online. Find and replace or remove sensitive content and metadata from Pdf files....Pdf file, specify text phrase, then phrase for substitution, and...
  7. Find and Replace Words in Word Documents using ...

    Find, replace, or hide text, words, Phrases in Word DOC/DOCX files using C#. Redact and perform text, case-sensitive & RegEx search with .NET Redaction API....reasons to replace a word or phrase in the document. Whether you...replace the text, words, or phrases using different techniques...
  8. Implementing Wildcard Search Functionality in y...

    post. Tagged with java, indexing, api, groupdocs....Searching with a single query for phrases 'assure equal opportunities'...Constructing query 2 // Word 1 in the phrase is a pattern '?(0~2)sure' for...
  9. Wildcard search in DOCX online

    Wildcard search in DOCX. Perform wildcard search of words and Phrases online....wildcard search of words and phrases in DOCX files online. Powered...Policy . × 15% Search query Phrase search Search all words Search...
  10. Search flow | Documentation

    This article shows the internal stages of each search operation....range search Retrieving results Phrase search Retrieving results for...for each term of a phrase Joining sets of results Regex search...