The desired file type the input document should be converted to....SpreadsheetConvertOp Properties Password Property Zoom Property SpreadsheetConvertOp...SpreadsheetConvertOp Properties The SpreadsheetConvertOp type exposes...
Gets the page height....PageInfo Properties Height Property PageNumber Property Width Property...Property PageInfo Properties The PageInfo type exposes the following...
The height of the page in pixels when viewing as JPG or PNG....Class Page Properties Height Property Lines Property Name Property...Property Number Property Visible Property Width Property Page Properties...
Gets the reference to redaction and its options....RedactorLogEntry Properties Redaction Property Result Property RedactorLogEntry...RedactorLogEntry Properties The RedactorLogEntry type exposes the following...
Gets the event hub for subscribing to events....IndexRepository Properties Events Property Indexes Property IndexRepository...IndexRepository Properties The IndexRepository type exposes the following...
Indicates that file is encrypted....FileInfo Properties Encrypted Property FileType Property FileInfo...FileInfo Properties The FileInfo type exposes the following members...