Get page numbers collection....JoinOptions Properties Type Property JoinOptions Properties The JoinOptions...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description Pages Get...
Gets the raw value....XmpBoolean Properties Value Property XmpBoolean Properties The XmpBoolean...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description RawValue...
Gets the raw value....XmpGuid Properties Value Property XmpGuid Properties The XmpGuid...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description RawValue...
Gets the raw value....XmpText Properties Value Property XmpText Properties The XmpText...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description RawValue...
Gets or sets the Web URL for a rights management certificate....XmpRightsManagementP Properties Certificate Property Marked Property Owners...Owners Property UsageTerms Property WebStatement Property XmpRightsManagementP...
The height of the layout....Class Layout Properties Height Property Name Property Width Property...Property Layout Properties The Layout type exposes the following...