Consolidated Unix File Archive (.tgz, .tar.gz) are archives created with Unix-based utility for collecting one or more files. Learn more about thi...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...
PowerPoint Open XML Slide Show (.ppsx) files are created using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and above for Slide Show purpose. Learn more about this fi...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...
Visio Web Drawing (.vdw) represents file format that specifies the streams and storages required for rendering a Web drawing. Learn more about thi...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...
The with statement extends the scope chain for a statement....} } If you call f([1, 2, 3], obj) in an ECMAScript 5 environment...with statement will resolve to obj . However, ECMAScript 2015 introduces...
This chapter documents all the JavaScript language operators, expressions and keywords.... [a, b] = arr , { a, b } = obj Destructuring assignment allows...iterable object. Spread syntax ...obj Spread syntax allows an iterable...
JavaScript is a multi-paradigm, dynamic language with types and operators, standard built-in Objects, and methods. Its syntax is based on the Java and C languages — many structures from those languages apply to JavaScript as well. JavaScript supports Object-oriented programming with Object prototypes and classes. It also supports functional programming since functions are first-class Objects that can be easily created via expressions and passed around like any other Object....nonexistent object property ( obj.iDontExist ) returns undefined...const obj = {}; obj.a = 1; // no error console.log(obj); // {...
MicroStation Design File (.dgn) are drawings created by and supported by CAD applications such as MicroStation and Intergraph Interactive Graphics Design System...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...
Icon File (.ico) are image file types used as icon for representation of an application on Microsoft Windows. Learn more about this file format her...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...
Truevision TGA (Truevision Advanced Raster Adapter - TARGA) is used to store bitmap digital images developed by TRUEVISION. Learn more about this f...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...
Apple Mail Message (.emlx) is implemented and developed by Apple. The Apple Mail application uses the EMLX file format for exporting the emails. Le...Field NSF Field NUMBERS Field OBJ Field ODG Field ODP Field ODS...