Encapsulates all eBook formats. Includes the following file types Mobi./ebookformats/mobi Epub./ebookformats/epub Azw3./ebookformats/azw3.... Mime { get; } Gets the MIME type of the document...
Learn about the Blob.type property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....the Blob interface returns the MIME type of the file. Note: Based...string containing the file's MIME type, or an empty string if...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.editor com.groupdocs.editor.formats com.groupdocs.editor.handler com.groupdocs.edi......implementing type should return a MIME-code for the given format String...implementing type should return a MIME-code for the given format getName...
2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom Groupdocs API References – GroupDocs.Editor.Formats https://reference.groupdocs.com/editor/net/groupdocs.editor.formats/ Recent content in GroupDocs.Editor.Formats o......abstraction/documentformatbase/mimeMime { get; } Gets the MIME type of the document...abstraction/documentformatbase/mimeMime { get; } Gets the MIME type of the document...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.editor com.groupdocs.editor.formats com.groupdocs.editor.handler com.groupdocs.edi......image type String getMimeCode () MIME code of a particular image type...which is equivalent of specified MIME code String toString () Returns...
Encapsulates all binary XML and textual Spreadsheet formats excluding all textual delimiterbased formats with separator like CSV TSV semicolondelimited etc. in which the workbook can be saved. Includes the following formats Xls./spreadsheetformats/xls Xlt./spreadsheetformats/xlt Xlsx./spreadsheetformats/xlsx Xlsm./spreadsheetformats/xlsm Xlsb./spreadsheetformats/xlsb Xltx./spreadsheetformats/xltx Xltm./spreadsheetformats/xltm Xlam./spreadsheetformats/xlam SpreadsheetML./spreadsheetformats/spreadsheetml Ods./spreadsheetformats/ods Fods./spreadsheetformats/fods Sxc./spreadsheetformats/sxc Dif./spreadsheetformats/dif Csv./spreadsheetformats/csv Tsv./spreadsheetformats/tsv. Learn more about Spreadsheet formats herehttps//wiki.fileformat.com/spreadsheet.... Mime { get; } Gets the MIME type of the document...