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  1. Anti Fraud Measures - Purchase -

    Anti Fraud Measures Buy Now Pricing Free Trial Policies Temporary License My Orders and Quotes Renew an Order Upgrade......normally release the license in less than half an hour in most cases...
  2. ViewOptions.RotatePage Method - GroupDocs.Viewe...

    Applies clockwise rotation to the page....ArgumentException Thrown when pageNumber is less or equal to zero. ArgumentException...
  3. GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET 17.4.0 Release No...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET 17.4.0 Major Features There are 11 new features, improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: Introduced new method for retrieving basic metadata of the source document Improved handling of extension-Less urls Improved to HTML conversions Improved HTML to Cells conversions Fixed 3 bugs Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category CONVERSIONNET‑1810 Implement method for getting extended document information New Feature CONVERSIONNET‑1835 Convert Html to Cells improvements Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1845 Convert Cad to Html improvements Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1846 Convert Note to Html improvements Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1840 Convert Slides to Html improvements Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1847 Convert Tasks to Html improvements Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1851 Convert Words to Html improvements with UsePdf=true option set Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1871 Improved handling of extension-Less urls Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1678 Failed to validate PDF_X_3 and PDF_X_1A Fix CONVERSIONNET‑1844 Converting Image to Html with UsePdf=true always use direct conversion instead converting through Pdf Fix CONVERSIONNET‑1676 Loading Latex document from stream requires FileStream Fix Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Improved handling of extension-less urls Improved to HTML conversions...Improved handling of extension-less urls Improvement CONVERSIONNET‑1678...
  4. IndexType Enumeration - GroupDocs.Search for .N...

    Specifies an index type....2 Index type that takes much less disk space but does not support...
  5. CacheKeys.GetResourceFilter Method - GroupDocs....

    Returns filter string to search for cache entries that represents Resource objects....ArgumentException Thrown when pageNumber is less or equal to zero. See Also Reference...
  6. Color.FromArgb Method (Int32, Color) - GroupDoc...

    Creates a Color structure from the specified Color structure, but with the new specified alpha value....ArgumentOutOfRangeEx Alpha is less than 0 or greater than 255....
  7. Intentional creation · GitHub

    The trick to turning potential into productivity, @mhashemi says, is to distill it down into four stages: consume, critique, curate, create. Here's how:... Less is more. Create Step 4: Return...on. When inspiration proves less willing to strike, we can keep...
  8. Bootstrap Css Framework

    Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats.... Since it’s written in LESS it keeps the CSS of bigger projects...
  9. CacheKeys.GetPageKey Method - GroupDocs.Viewer ...

    Returns unique identifier for the cache entry that represents page file....ArgumentException Thrown when pageNumber is less or equal to zero. ArgumentException...
  10. Convert EMZ to DOCX | GroupDocs.Conversion for ...

    EMZ format represents Enhanced Windows Metafile Compressed with .emz extension. Learn how to convert EMZ to DOCX file programmatically in C# language using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET library....compression algorithm and takes less storage space due to compression...