As an XML dialect, SVG is namespaced. It is important to understand the concept of namespaces and how they are used if you plan to author SVG content. Namespaces are essential to user agents that support multiple XML dialects; browsers must be very strict. Taking the time to understand namespaces now will save you from future headaches....js" type="text/javascript" /> </svg>...createElementNS() , you must write: js document.createElementNS("http://www...
La construcción is global attribute permite especificar que un elemento HTML estándar se debería comportar como un elemento personalizado provisto originalmente por el lenguaje (para más detalles, vea Utilizando elementos personalizados).... js // Crea una clase para el elemento...
Learn about the CSSMediaRule interface, including its properties and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....500px) { body { color: blue; } } js const log = document.getElementById("log");...
Learn about the SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent interface, including its constructor, properties, and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... Examples js const synth = window.speechSynthesis;...
The Keyboard API provides methods for working with a physical keyboard that is attached to a device running a browser.... js if (navigator.keyboard) { const...value for each of these keys: js navigator.keyboard.lock(["KeyW"...
The capabilities of a client device largely depend on the amount of available RAM. Traditionally, developers had to use heuristics and either benchmark a device or infer device capabilities based on other factors like the device manufacturer or User Agent strings.... js const RAM = navigator.deviceMemory;...
TypeScript is a programming language that adds static type checking to JavaScript....reassigned to a different type: js let myVariable = "Hello World";...
Learn about the HTMLElement.enterKeyHint property, including code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js const send = document.getEle...
Learn about the FederatedCredential interface, including its constructor, properties, and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... Examples js const cred = new FederatedCredential({...
элемент с атрибутом type="file" позволяет пользователю выбрать один файл или более из файлового хранилища своего устройства. После выбора эти файлы могут быть загружены на сервер при помощи формы, или обработаны JavaScript и File API.... js var input = document.querySelector("input");...updateImageDisplay() function. js input.addEventListener("change"...