Major Features There are 20+ features, improvements and bug-fixes in this release, most notable are:
Legacy API is removed from the product Now client application can hookup to converter and monitor for start, progress and complete states Improved MPP to spreadsheet conversions XML documents can be converted to any format without transformation Call ConvertedDocumentStream or ConvertedPageStream delegates providing converted stream for processing or storing. Introduced EML to MSG conversions API to retrieve prepared default ConvertOptions for desired target conversion Introduced GetAllPossibleConversions method which return all supported conversions GetPossibleConversions method from a documetn extension without instantiating a Converter GetPossibleConversions for currently provided source document Improved document info classes Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category CONVERSIONNET-3460 Feature Provide information for conversion start, end and progress CONVERSIONNET-3539 Feature Convert xml documents without transformation CONVERSIONNET-3290 Feature EML to MSG conversion CONVERSIONNET-3512 Feature API to retrieve prepared default ConvertOptions for desired target conversion CONVERSIONNET-3536 Feature Convert attachments from a mail document CONVERSIONNET-3586 Feature GetAllPossibleConversions method which returns all supported conversions CONVERSIONNET-3587 Feature GetPossibleConversions for a document extension without instantiating a Converter CONVERSIONNET-3345 Improvement MPP to XLS conversion improvement and missing information CONVERSIONNET-3526 Improvement New overload Convert methods which accepts ConvertedDocumentStream or ConvertedPageStream delegates CONVERSIONNET-3597 Improvement Improve document info classes CONVERSIONNET-3626 Improvement Make proportional image If only Width or Height is provided when converting to image CONVERSIONNET-2819 Bug Fail to convert a specific word document to pdf CONVERSIONNET-3420 Bug Other than PNG to PDF conversion throw exception for PNG source file CONVERSIONNET-3423 Bug “System....Search Product Solution GroupDocs.Parser Product Solution GroupDocs...