Checks whether specified base64-encoded string is a valid EMF image...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Determines whether this instance is equal with specified uncasted object, which presumably is another...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Licenses the component....GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor License Class License...
In implementing type should save this image to the disk by specified path...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Saves this raster image to the specified file...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Returns linear dimensions of this raster image (width and height)...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Returns an aspect ratio of this image as the width-to-height relation...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Returns a hashcode for this instance, which cannot be changed during its lifetime...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Represents one textual resource, which is a XML....GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
MIME code of a particular font type...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...