Allows to enable (true) or disable (false) pagination in the resultant HTML document. By default is disabled (false)....GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor.Options FixedLayoutEditOptio...
Represents one CSS textual resource...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Creates new BmpImage instance from content, represented as base64-encoded string, and with specified name...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Creates new GifImage instance from content, represented as byte stream, and with specified name...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Creates new IconImage instance from content, represented as byte stream, and with specified name...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Creates new EmfImage instance from content, represented as byte stream, and with specified name...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Creates new GifImage instance from content, represented as base64-encoded string, and with specified name...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Checks this instance with specified font resource on reference equality...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...
Checks whether specified stream is a valid TIFF image...GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for...Reference GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss...