On-premise Java API to set, process, search, extract, & remove metadata from audio, video, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, diagrams, images....Archive: ZIP BitTorrent: TORRENT Font: OTF/TTF/TTC For details and...
On-premise Java API to set, process, search, extract, & remove metadata from audio, video, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, diagrams, images....Archive: ZIP BitTorrent: TORRENT Font: OTF/TTF/TTC For details and...
On-premise Java API to set, process, search, extract, & remove metadata from audio, video, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, diagrams, images....Archive: ZIP BitTorrent: TORRENT Font: OTF/TTF/TTC For details and...
On-premise Java API to set, process, search, extract, & remove metadata from audio, video, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, diagrams, images....Archive: ZIP BitTorrent: TORRENT Font: OTF/TTF/TTC For details and...
On-premise Java API to set, process, search, extract, & remove metadata from audio, video, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files, diagrams, images....Archive: ZIP BitTorrent: TORRENT Font: OTF/TTF/TTC For details and...
This pattern is a list of "card" components with optional footers. A card contains a title, an image, a description or other content, and an attribution or footer. Cards are generally displayed within a group or collection....</article> </div> css body { font: 1.2em sans-serif; } img { max-width:...
Das pattern-Attribut gibt einen regulären Ausdruck an, dem der Wert des Formularsteuerelements entsprechen sollte. Wenn ein nicht null-Wert nicht den durch das pattern-Attribut festgelegten Einschränkungen entspricht, wird die schreibgeschützte Eigenschaft patternMismatch des ValidityState-Objekts wahr sein....10px; position: relative; } p { font-size: 80%; color: #999; } input...
Toolbar buttons are one of the main UI components available to extensions. Toolbar buttons live in the main browser toolbar and contain an icon. When the user clicks the icon, one of two things can happen:...{ width: 100%; padding: 4px; font-size: 1.5em; text-align: center;...
The Cooperative Scheduling of Background Tasks API (also referred to as the Background Tasks API or the requestIdleCallback() API) provides the ability to queue tasks to be executed automatically by the user agent when it determines that there is free time to do so.... body { font-family: "Open Sans", "Lucida...Grande", "Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } #logBox { margin-top:...
Learn this article and check how to merge Microsoft Office Word documents in .NET applications using C# programming language....contains unformatted text and no font or page settings can be applied...formatting options such as setting fonts type, styles (bold, italic,...