All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.conversion com.groupdocs.conversion.caching com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts com......convert com.groupdocs.conversion.options...documents. Includes the following file types: Csv , Fods , Ods , Ots...
GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 24.1 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....exception when rendering PS file VIEWERNET‑2791 Fix Cache size...HTML mode VIEWERNET‑3605 Fix “File type is not supported.” exception...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......changing an output file name and/or converting the document to image-based...format Save overwriting original file Save to stream Field Summary...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.conversion com.groupdocs.conversion.caching com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts com......convert the Visio Graphics Service file format that specifies the streams...
Features, improvements, and bugs-fixes that are shipped in GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 20.7...margins when converting HTML files Rendering text files into a single...Excel 2003 XML file (SpreadsheetML) (.xml) file-format support...
Free Online Apps to Process Audio Formats Easily convert audio formats from any device, any platform. Aspose.Audio No......Process Audio Formats Easily convert audio formats from any device...Conversion Free online app to convert audio file format Aspose.Audio Text...
Compare and merge more than two VSD Files in C# .NET applications. Retrieve differences summary in content, text & style of VSD Files, images and document formats....NET / Comparing VSD Files Compare VSD Files in C# .NET .NET documents...between two versions of VSD files and export to a final document...
Encapsulates all Presentation formats....specified file extension. fromString(String extension) Converts a string...string representing a file extension to a PresentationFormats...
Encapsulates all WordProcessing formats.... Includes the following file types: Doc , Docm , Docx , Dot...Description Doc MS Word 97-2007 Binary File Format (DOC) represents documents...
Contains the PDF optimization options to apply to the output PDF File. For details and code samples see this pagehttps// and its children....options to apply to the output PDF file. For details and code samples...compressing images in the output PDF file. ConvertToGrayScale { get; set;...