Net API para criar e anotar tipos de anotação populares de CAD, imagens, desenhos e formatos de arquivo de documento....CAD é um formato de arquivo digital de um objeto gerado e usado...Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API ליצירה והערה של סוגי הערות פופולריים מ-DICOM, תמונות, שרטוטים ופורמטים של קבצי מסמכים....DICOM DICOM הוא ראשי התיבות של Digital Imaging and Communications...Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API для створення та анотування популярних типів анотацій із DICOM, зображень, малюнків і форматів файлів документів....DICOM — це абревіатура від Digital Imaging and Communications...Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Net API pentru a crea și adnota tipuri populare de adnotări din CAD, imagini, desene și formate de fișiere de document....CAD este un format de fișier digital al unui obiect generat și utilizat...Interchange) Annotate DCM document (Digital Imaging and Communications...
Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Search for .NET 17.6 Major Features There are 4 features and enhancements in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:
SEARCHNET-1045 Implement optimization of the spelling corrector SEARCHNET-1047 Implement optimization of searching SEARCHNET-968 Integrate Dynabic.Metered to GroupDocs.Search SEARCHNET-1019 Implement dictionary of letters All Changes Key Summary Category SEARCHNET-1045 Implement optimization of the spelling corrector Enhancement SEARCHNET-1047 Implement optimization of searching Enhancement SEARCHNET-968 Integrate Dynabic....default collection of characters: digits, Latin and Cyrillic. Public...
Convierta documentos DOC y DOCX de Word a PDF dentro de aplicaciones Java. Automatice la conversión de archivos utilizando la API Java de conversión de documentos....Việt 中文 中國傳統的 En este mundo digital, casi todo el mundo conoce...
Converta documentos Word DOC e DOCX para PDF dentro de aplicativos Node.js. Automatize sua conversão de arquivos usando a API de conversão de documentos Node.js....Tiếng Việt 中文 中國傳統的 No cenário digital de hoje, quase todo mundo usa...
elements of type month create input fields that let the user enter a month and year allowing a month and year to be easily entered.
The value is a string whose value is in the format YYYY-MM, where YYYY is the four-digit year and MM is the month number....YYYY-MM , where YYYY is the four-digit year and MM is the month number...form YYYY-MM (four or more digit year, then a hyphen ( - ), followed...
Stafræn undirskrift (eSignature) fyrir DOCX auðveld með GroupDocs undirskrift. Búðu til rafrænar stafrænar undirskriftir og esign DOCX skjöl ókeypis!...skaltu fyrst velja skiltagerð (Digital, Text, Strikamerki, Mynd, Stimpill...myndar ef tákngerð er Mynd eða Digital. Veldu undirskrift eða undirskrift...