Represents the AVIMAINHEADER structure in an AVI video....main header and stream header chunks. MetadataType Gets the metadata...enough to contain the largest chunk in the file. If set to zero...
Learn about the VideoDecoder interface, including its constructor, properties, and methods, specifications and browser compatibility....of the WebCodecs API decodes chunks of video. EventTarget decoder for decoding chunks. VideoDecoder.decode() Enqueues...
Learn about the AudioDecoder interface, including its constructor, properties, and methods, specifications and browser compatibility....of the WebCodecs API decodes chunks of audio. EventTarget decoder for decoding chunks. AudioDecoder.decode() Enqueues...
import{$d as y,J as m,P as g,T as r,_c as l,a,ab as u,bb as P,e as d,ia as h,ja as S,s as p,ye as b}from"./Chunk-D5B2L7LX.js";var I=Symbol("STATE_SIGNAL");function v(e,...s){e[I].update(t=>s.reduce....../chunk-D5B2L7LX.js";var I=Symbol("...
import{J as m,O as g,S as r,Vc as l,Wd as y,Za as u,_a as P,a,e as d,ha as h,ia as S,s as p,ve as b}from"./Chunk-ZJCPDNFW.js";var I=Symbol("STATE_SIGNAL");function v(e,...s){e[I].update(t=>s.reduce....../chunk-ZJCPDNFW.js";var I=Symbol("...
An IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined.
The name IIFE is promoted by Ben Alman in his blog....await (const chunk of stream) { console.log({ chunk }); } })();...
This article shows that how to perform the operations on search results....returns a chunk search token to search for the next chunk. For details...details on search by chunks, see the page. The method returns...
Represents the main class for indexing documents and search through them....SearchNext(ChunkSearchToken) Continues the chunk search started with method Search...Cancellation) Continues the chunk search started with method Search...
This article shows that how to perform the operations on search results....returns a chunk search token to search for the next chunk. For details...details on search by chunks, see the page. The property returns...