Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition....As Func(Of TSource, Boolean)) As Boolean Type Parameters TSource... predicate Func <TSource, Boolean > A function to test each element...
A Boolean attribute in HTML is an attribute that represents true or false values. If an HTML tag contains a Boolean attribute — no matter the value of that attribute — the attribute is set to true on that element. If an HTML tag does not contain the attribute, the attribute is set to false....Français 日本語 한국어 中文 (简体) A boolean attribute in HTML is an attribute...If an HTML tag contains a boolean attribute — no matter the value...
Initializes a new instance of the TemplateTableParameters class....IEnumerable(Double), Nullable(Boolean), Nullable(Int32), Nullable(Int32)...IEnumerable Double , Nullable Boolean , Nullable Int32 , Nullable...
Options for conversion to Web file type....setUsePdf(boolean usePdf) isFixedLayout() setFixedLayout(boolean fixedLayout)...isFixedLayoutShowBor() setFixedLayoutShowBo(boolean fixedLayoutShowBorde) getZoom()...
Create instance of SignatureFont class to specify Font properties.... setBold(boolean value) Apply Font Bold Style...Font Italic Style. setItalic(boolean value) Apply Font Italic Style...
Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object or Boolean....Email Print Table of contents Boolean. Equals Method Reference Feedback...specified object or Boolean . Overloads Equals(Boolean) Returns a value...
Initializes a new instance of the SearchOptions class with default values. See remarks for details....SearchOptions Constructor (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) SearchOptions Constructor...Constructor (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, HighlightOptions) SearchOptions...