Use Connection indexes to connect shapes|Documentation,Use Connection indexes to connect shapes|Documentation,Cloning of Shape and Connecting Visio Shapes by...looking to port some code into Azure App Services using .NET Core...
Hi, see following document on wetransfer: converting this to pdf using latest groupdocs converter results in a very big filesize. I agree there are a lots of images in the docx, but still, the file size increasement is s…...service in combination with azure service bus. Conversion is done...
XHTML Converter - Convert XHTML to PDF, XPS, images online for free,XHTML | Aspose.HTML for .NET API Reference,Compare XHTML Files via .NET,Going Transitional...NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono or Xamarin Platforms....
Web Page Downloader| Copy and Save Web Page by its URL,Create Web Font from font files you already have,HTML Web Apps | Converters, Downloaders, SEO Tools,...NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono or Xamarin Platforms....
Merge XLTM Files via Java,Merge XLTM Files via .NET,View XLTM File Formats via .NET,Edit XLTM files via .NET |,Convert XLTM to XLTX via...NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono or Xamarin Platforms....
I built an app about 2 years ago that uses the Metadata product for .NET and was working fine. Within the last month however, the metadata for custom properties stopped returning. The function below loops through the pro…... My app is built with Azure Functions and SFPx. I don’t...
Hello, since we are moving more towards cloud-based solutions, we are running our pdf converter using the groupdocs conversion nuget (latest version/dotnetcore). as a an Azure webjob (service plan Premium v2 P1V2, so not…... as a an azure webjob (service plan Premium...
I’m willing to purchase your product, but I need this basic capability in ASP.NET MVC. User clicks a link, server processes the file as necessary and the file gets displayed in your viewer without any uploading/ navigat…... my documents live on Azure and I’d like to access it through...automatically @Html.ActionLink("From Azure", "Index", "Viewer", new { file...
Convert PS or EPS to Word DOCX or DOC Document in Java,Convert TXT to PS via Java,Convert MD to PS via Java,Convert DOCX to PS via .NET,Convert DOCX to PS via...NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono or Xamarin Platforms....