Overview GroupDocs.Assembly for Java does not require any external software or third party tool to be installed. Just follow one of the way as described in Development Environment, Installation and Configuration.
Supported Operating Systems GroupDocs.Assembly for Java supports any 32-bit or 64-bit operating system that runs the Java runtime including, but not limited:
Windows Microsoft Windows 2003 Server ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 2008 Server ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 2012 Server ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 2016 Server ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 2019 Server ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows Vista ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows XP ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 7 ( x64, x86) Microsoft Windows 8, 8....Windows 10 ( x64, x86) Microsoft Azure Linux Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSUSE...
GroupDocs.Classification-for-.NET samples and showcase (text and documents classification and sentiment analysis) - GroupDocs.Classification-for-.NET/README.md at master · groupdocs-classification/GroupDocs.Classification-for-.NET...Windows Server (x64), Windows Azure, Mac OS X x64 (10.12+), Linux...
GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET supports any 32-bit or 64-bit operating system where .NET or Mono framework is installed...Windows 10 (x64, x86) Microsoft Azure Linux Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSUSE...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Server (x86, x64), Microsoft Azure macOS: Mac OS X Linux: Ubuntu...automation windows macOS Linux J2SE azure document automation...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Server (x86, x64), Microsoft Azure macOS: Mac OS X Linux: Ubuntu...automation windows macOS Linux J2SE azure document automation English...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Server (x86, x64), Microsoft Azure macOS: Mac OS X Linux: Ubuntu...automation windows macOS Linux J2SE azure document automation...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Server (x86, x64), Microsoft Azure macOS: Mac OS X Linux: Ubuntu...automation windows macOS Linux J2SE azure document automation...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Server (x86, x64), Microsoft Azure macOS: Mac OS X Linux: Ubuntu...automation windows macOS Linux J2SE azure document automation English...