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  1. Improved Text Area Extraction for PDF Documents...

    We are delighted to announce the release of GroupDocs.Parser for Java 18.11. The latest version came up with one new feature and three enhancements. It allows you to get information about the supported extractors for a document. Furthermore, we have improved the text Area extraction for the PDF documents. For more details, please have a look at the release notes of version 18.11. Features Introduced Getting Information of Supported Extractors for a Document This feature helps to get the information about the supported extractors for a document....Furthermore, we have improved the text area extraction for the PDF documents...documentation article. Improved Text Area Extraction for PDF Documents...
  2. Redact large area of PDF document based on sele...

    Hello, I am currently in the process of reviewing GroupDocs.Redaction and have been very impressed with the TextBasedRedaction. However I have become stuck redacting a larger Area of a PDF document. I assumed I could u…...Redact large area of PDF document based on selection GroupDocs...become stuck redacting a larger area of a PDF document. I assumed...
  3. Print area issue when converting xlsx to pdf - ...

    Hello, when we convert a specific XLSX file to PDF, with print Area defined, we have some unwanted PDF output (more pages than expected). Can you please provide us with steps how we can fix this? Printing in word, the PD…...Print area issue when converting xlsx to pdf GroupDocs.Conversion...XLSX file to PDF, with print area defined, we have some unwanted...
  4. Using GroupDocs.Redact to redact a specific are...

    I tried the samples in ASPOSE (PrepareRectangles) and GroupDocs (UseAsposeOCRForCloud) and can get them to work. Is there an example of GroupDocs using the non cloud version of ASPOSE? I am using RedactImageArea to red…...Redact to redact a specific area in a TIFF GroupDocs.Redaction...RedactImageArea to redact certain areas and would like to use OCR to...
  5. OcrOptions | GroupDocs.Parser for Java API Refe...

    Provides the options which are used for OCR Connector....OcrOptions class with rectangular area. OcrOptions(OcrEventHandler...rectangular area that constraints the page area which is used...
  6. imagearearedaction - GroupDocs.Redaction for Ja...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......places colored rectangle in given area of an image document. Learn...class for redacting specific area size. Method Summary Methods...
  7. Extract text areas | Documentation

    This article explains that how to extract text Areas from documents....text / Extract text areas Extract text areas Leave feedback GroupDocs...functionality to extract text areas from documents by the following...
  8. RegionReplacementOptions - GroupDocs.Redaction ...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......Object Represents color and area parameters for image region...the color to fill the redacted area. Dimension getSize () Gets the...
  9. rectangle - GroupDocs.Parser for Java - API Ref...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.parser com.groupdocs.parser.exceptions com.groupdocs.par......Object Represents a rectangular area. Constructor Summary Constructors...bottom edge of the rectangular area. double getLeft () Gets the...
  10. Rectangle - GroupDocs.Parser for Java - API Ref...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.parser com.groupdocs.parser.exceptions com.groupdocs.par......Object Represents a rectangular area. Constructor Summary Constructors...bottom edge of the rectangular area. double getLeft () Gets the...