Allows to adjust the highlighting, that will be applied to the XML structure, when it is represented in HTML. By default is NULL — default highligh...Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference...
Allows to enable a worksheet protection for the output Spreadsheet document. By default is NULL - protection is not applied. Not all formats support a worksheet...Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference...
Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified SpreadsheetDocumentInfo instance...Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference...
Defines color for the font of HTML comments (including pair of opening and closing tags)...Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for .NET - API Reference...
Specify Text Signature ID more than zero if it should be verified. This property is supported only for Pdf documents...Signature for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Signature for .NET - API...