Keeps true if this digital signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with....Signature for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Signature for .NET - API...
Returns QRCode type with pasringType name. If name of QRCode is unknown - Exception will be throw...Signature for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Signature for .NET - API...
Gets or sets the padding value for all the edges. Changing of any partial edge like left or top makes this property equal 0;...Signature for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Signature for .NET - API...
Gets or sets bits per channel for lossless jpeg image. Now we support from 2 to 8 bits per channel....Signature for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Signature for .NET - API...
Option to control whether the documents container itself must be converted If this property is true the documents container will be the first conve...Conversion for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET - API...
Returns stamp type with pasringType name. When name of stamp is unknown - no exception is thrown and method returns null value....Signature for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Signature for .NET - API...