Files with .DOT extension are template files created by Microsoft Word to have pre-formatted settings for generation of further DOC or DOCX fil...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field FileType DOT...
Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing (.vsdm) are drawing files created with Microsoft Visio application that supports macros. VSDM files are OPC/XML drawings that are si...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XPS Field FileType...
Bitmap Image File (.bmp) is used to store bitmap digital images. These images are independent of graphics adapter and are also called device independent bitmap...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType BMP Field Bitmap...
vCard File (.vcf) is a digital file format for storing contact information. The format is widely used for data interchange among popular information exchange ap...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType VCF Field vCard...
PowerPoint Slide Show (.pps) are created using Microsoft PowerPoint for Slide Show purpose. PPS file reading and creation is supported by Microsoft PowerPoint 9...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType PPS Field PowerPoint...
Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (.xlsx) is a well-known format for Microsoft Excel documents that was introduced by Microsoft with the release of Microsoft...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType XLSX Field Microsoft...
Adobe Photoshop Document (.psd) represents Adobe Photoshop's native file format used for graphics designing and development. Learn more about this...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType PSD Field Adobe...
Portable Network Graphic (.png) is a type of raster image file format that use lossless compression. This file format was created as a replacement of Graphics I...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field FileType PNG Field Portable...
DOCX is a well-known format for Microsoft Word documents. Introduced from 2007 with the release of Microsoft Office 2007, the structure of this...XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field FileType DOCX...