We’re pleased to announce the release of the GroupDocs Viewer for Java Library! Java developers can now seamlessly use our web-based document viewer within their Java development environment. Just like GroupDocs Viewer for .NET Library, this version can be easily embedded into customer platforms and allows developers to display over 40 document and image file formats without any external dependencies.
Benefits of the GroupDocs Document Viewer for Java Library: Support for more than 40 file formats, including: Portable Document Format: ....xlt .xltx .xltm .xlsb .xml Microsoft...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.assembly com.groupdocs.assembly.system com.groupdocs.assembly.system.data com.grou...... static int XLT Specifies the Microsoft Excel...Template format. XLT public static final int XLT Specifies the Microsoft...
Microsoft Compiled HTML Help File (.chm) is a well-known format for HELP (documentation to some application) documents. Learn more about this file...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
Bzip2 Compressed File (.bz2) are compressed files generated using the BZIP2 open source compression method, mostly on UNIX or Linux system. Learn...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
Animated Portable Network Graphic (.apng) is extension of PNG format that support animation. Learn more about this file format here....Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
AutoCAD Drawing Template (.dwt) is an AutoCAD drawing template file that is used as starter for creating drawings that can be saved as DWG files. L...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...
Microsoft Project Template (.mpt) contains basic information and structure along with document settings for creating .MPP files. Learn more about t...Field XLSM Field XLSX Field XLT Field XLTM Field XLTX Field XML...