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  1. FileType.Ppt Property - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  2. FileType.Vsdx Property - GroupDocs.Annotation f...

    Microsoft Visio 2013 VSDX file format....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  3. FileType.Jpg Property - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Joint Photographic Experts Group....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  4. FileType.Pdf Property - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Adobe Portable Document format....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  5. FileType.Png Property - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Portable Network Graphic File....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  6. FileType.Vst Property - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Microsoft Visio VST binary template format....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  7. FileType.Dotx Property - GroupDocs.Annotation f...

    Microsoft Word Template....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  8. FileType.Dot Property - GroupDocs.Annotation fo...

    Microsoft Word Document Template....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  9. FileType.Html Property - GroupDocs.Annotation f...

    Hypertext Markup Language File....Unknown Property Vsd Property Vsdm Property Vsdx Property Vss Property...
  10. FileType.XLSX Field - GroupDocs.Merger for .NET...

    Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet (.xlsx) is a well-known format for Microsoft Excel documents that was introduced by Microsoft with the release of Microsoft...Field Unknown Field VDX Field VSDM Field VSDX Field VSSM Field...