Gets or sets a number identifying the version of the information....Nullable < unsigned short > value ); } member ModelVersion : Nullable...uint16 > with get , set Property Value Type: Nullable UInt16 The model...
Gets or sets the text of this PdfArtifact....override ; void set ( String ^ value ) override ; } abstract Text...string with get , set Property Value Type: String The text of this...
Gets or sets the number of columns of image data, equal to the number of pixels per get (); void set ( int value ); } member ImageWidth : with get , set Property Value Type: Int32 The number of columns...
Gets or sets the headline....get (); void set ( String ^ value ); } member Headline : string...string with get , set Property Value Type: String The headline. See...
Gets or sets the range of colors which are used to filter watermarks by text foreground color....(); void set ( ColorRange ^ value ); } member ForegroundColorRange...ColorRange with get , set Property Value Type: ColorRange The range of...
The Y coordinate of the embedded object shape's pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page....() sealed ; void set ( int value ) sealed ; } abstract Y : with get , set Property Value Type: Int32 Implements IOleDiagramOptions...
Gets or sets the blue component....Nullable < unsigned char > value ); } member Blue : Nullable...byte > with get , set Property Value Type: Nullable Byte The blue...
Gets or sets the red component....Nullable < unsigned char > value ); } member Red : Nullable <...byte > with get , set Property Value Type: Nullable Byte The red...
Gets or sets page number to be annotated...void set ( Nullable < int > value ); } member PageNumber : > with get , set Property Value Type: Nullable Int32 See Also...
Webp specific convert options....(); void set ( WebpOptions ^ value ); } member WebpOptions : WebpOptions...WebpOptions with get , set Property Value Type: WebpOptions See Also Reference...