Text value of change....ChangeInfo Text Property Text value of change. Namespace: GroupDocs...get (); void set ( String ^ value ); } member Text : string with...
Gets or sets the resolution for generated images, in dots per inch....int get (); void set ( int value ); } member Resolution : int...Property Value Type: Int32 Remarks The default value is 96. See...
Converts to long....Return Value Type: Int64 Returns the Metadata Signature value as...an exception if the Metadata value could not be converted. See...
Gets or sets preferred option of a trailing space handling. Default value is Trim.... Default value is Trim . Namespace: GroupDocs...set ( TxtTrailingSpacesOpt ^ value ); } member TrailingSpacesOption...
Gets or sets flag to automatically add extension when it was missing in output file path Default value is false....in output file path Default value is false. (Inherited from SaveOptions...as suffix. By default this value set to true that means file...
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout....Strikeout Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font...bool get (); void set ( bool value ); } member Strikeout : bool...
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is bold....Bold Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font...bool get (); void set ( bool value ); } member Bold : bool with...
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is underline....Underline Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font...bool get (); void set ( bool value ); } member Underline : bool...
Flag to verify each document page. By default value is true.... By default value is true. Namespace: GroupDocs...bool get (); void set ( bool value ); } member AllPages : bool...
Gets the number of metadata properties....CmsAttribute Properties Oid Property Value Property CmsAttribute Properties...MetadataPackage .) Value Gets the attribute value represented as...