Les éléments dont l'attribut type vaut "datetime-local" permettent de créer des champs destinés à saisir simplement une date (définie par une année, un mois, et un jour) et une heure (définie par une heure et une minute). Il n'y a pas de secondes dans ce contrôle.... step Attributs IDL list , value , valueAsNumber . Méthodes select()...par défaut grâce à l'attribut value : html <label for="party">Veuillez...
Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception....CompareTo(Object value) // at Example.Main() // //...System.String.CompareTo(Object value) // at Example.Main() // //...
Enables rendering notes....bool get (); void set ( bool value ); } member RenderNotes : bool...bool with get , set Property Value Type: Boolean See Also Reference...
Max width of the output image (for rendering to PNG/JPG only)...() sealed ; void set ( int value ) sealed ; } abstract MaxWidth...int with get , set Property Value Type: Int32 Implements IMaxSizeOptions...
Default font to be used when particular font used in document can't be found....get (); void set ( String ^ value ); } member DefaultFontName...string with get , set Property Value Type: String See Also Reference...
Gets or sets the keywords....get (); void set ( String ^ value ); } member Keywords : string...string with get , set Property Value Type: String The keywords. See...
List of font directories to load custom fonts from...void set ( List < String ^>^ value ); } member FontDirectories...string > with get , set Property Value Type: List String See Also Reference...
Responsible for extracting font resources, which are used in the input WordProcessing document. By default doesn't extract any fonts (NotExtract)....set ( FontExtractionOption value ); } member FontExtraction :...FontExtractionOption with get , set Property Value Type: FontExtractionOption See...