The drop-shadow() CSS function applies a drop shadow effect to the input image. Its result is a .... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
The scroll-margin-inline shorthand property sets the scroll margins of an element in the inline dimension.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
The logical AND (&&) (logical conjunction) operator for a set of boolean operands will be true if and only if all the operands are true. Otherwise it will be false.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
The rotate() CSS function defines a transformation that rotates an element around a
fixed point on the 2D plane, without deforming it. Its result is a data
type.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Learn about the TreeWalker interface, including its properties and methods, specifications and browser compatibility.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Learn about the SpeechSynthesis interface, including its properties and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....tts-section Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
HTML 요소는 문서, 페이지, 애플리케이션, 또는 사이트 안에서 독립적으로 구분해 배포하거나 재사용할 수 있는 구획을 나타냅니다. 사용 예제로 게시판과 블로그 글, 매거진이나 뉴스 기사 등이 있습니다....the-article-element 브라우저 호환성 BCD tables only load in the browser Help...
El Elemento de HTML representa una composición auto-contenida en un documento, una página, una aplicación o en un sitio, que se quiere que sea distribuíble y/o reutilizable de manera independiente, por ejemplo, en la redifusión. Algunos ejemplos podrían ser un mensaje en un foro, un artículo de una revista o un periódico, una entrada de blog, el comentario de un usuario, un widget o gadget interactivo, o cualquier otro elemento de contenido independiente....Compatibilidad con navegadores BCD tables only load in the browser Véase...