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  1. Releasing GroupDocs.Parser for Java – A Conveni...

    We are pleased to announce that the first version of GroupDocs.Parser for Java has been released. GroupDocs.Parser for Java allows the Java developers to extract raw and formatted text from the popular document formats. The API also supports working with containers such as ZIP and email containers. You can also access the metadata attached to the documents using a few lines of code. Please continue to read more about the features and the file formats supported by the API....ods/Tab Separated Values/SpreadsheetML (.xml)) OneNote Documents...
  2. GroupDocs.Editor Cloud for cURL

    Work with cURL commands to access the REST APIs for editing popular document formats such as Microsoft Office TXT, HTML and XML.‎...XLTX, XLTM, XLAM, SXC, SpreadsheetML, ODS, FODS, DIF, DSV, CSV...
  3. Download document viewer for Node.js | GroupDocs

    Download document viewer for Node.js that allows to view PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and images using JavaScript....XLTX/XLTM/XLAM/TSV/CSV/SpreadSheetML OpenOffice Calc®: ODS/FODS/OTS/SXC...XLTX/XLTM/XLAM/TSV/CSV/SpreadSheetML OpenOffice Calc®: ODS/FODS/OTS/SXC...
  4. Supported Document Formats | Documentation

    It supports DOCX, DOCM, DOC, DOT, DOTM, XLS, XLSX, PDF, PPT, JPG, PNG, HTML, EML and many Calc XML Spreadsheet SpreadsheetML Microsoft Office Excel 2002...
  5. Free online document assembly for DOCX, PPTX, X...

    Free Online DOCX file Assembly Generate meaningful documents from DOCX template files, and many other supported file ......XLSB, XLT, XLTM, XLTX, SpreadsheetML (XML) PowerPoint: PPT, PPTX...
  6. Supported Document Formats | Documentation

    It supports DOCX, DOCM, DOC, DOT, DOTM, XLS, XLSX, PDF, PPT, JPG, PNG, HTML, EML and many more...Tab Separated Values XML SpreadsheetML Presentations PowerPoint...
  7. xla

    Unexpected cmap table version - Aspose.Words Product Family - Free Support Forum -,Security concerns hosting - Aspose.Cells Product Family - Free...XLS, XLSM, XLSB, XLSX, SpreadsheetML, CSV, TSV and other formats...
  8. Edit Excel Files in C# | Build your own Online ...

    Editing Excel files is explained with C# examples to edit XLS, XLSX, ODS files within your .NET application using spreadsheet and document editing API....XLSM, XLSB, XLAM, SXC, SpreadsheetML, FODS, DIF. Download the...
  9. Excel APIs & Components for Developers | Aspose...

    Download .NET, Java, C++, Android, PHP, Node.js & Python libraries to create, manipulate, convert & render Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Aspose.Cells also provides visual components for web & desktop based applications that mimic Excel look n feel....XLSX, PDF, ODS, TXT and SpreadsheetML formats without using Microsoft...
  10. SharePoint Excel Spreadsheet Converter App | pr...

    Aspose.Cells for SharePoint App is a SharePoint Excel Spreadsheet converter. Export XLS XLSX XML CSV PDF ODS & HTML formats in MOSS WSS...XLSB, XLTX, XLTM, XLSM SpreadsheetML: XML OpenOffice: ODS Text:...