C# ASP.NET file viewer & rendering API. Add PDF viewer, Word viewer, Excel viewer, Image viewer, HTML viewer, Email viewer features in .NET apps....during rendering - pages can be rotated and/or rearranged, and text...
Unlock the power of Photoshop file processing and manipulation API for .NET by Aspose. Effortlessly create, edit, or convert PSD, PSB files to PDF and more....including resizing, cropping, and rotating images, to help you upgrade...
About BoardPro BoardPro is an innovative cloud-based startup developing board management software specifically designed to meet the requirements and governance workflows of the board of directors of small to medium businesses and non-profits. It is an easy-to-use software for board meetings, responsibilities, and documents. It is designed specifically to meet the challenges of limited resources and limited experience. Professional corporate boards can afford extensive governance and administration resources, freeing directors to focus on making a powerful contribution...., images were rotated at a wrong angle or the chart...
تبدیل تصاویر به PDF در جاوا. با استفاده از Java API تبدیل سند و تصویر، JPG، PNG، WebP، GIF، TIFF، TGA و بسیاری از تصاویر دیگر را به PDF تبدیل کنید....setRotate(Rotation.On90); // چرخش options.setWidth(640);...
Converteer SVG-vectorafbeeldingen naar JPG-afbeeldingen met Java. Draai, spiegel, watermerk, grijstinten en pas de helderheid en het gamma van geconverteerde JPG aan met behulp van Java API....setRotateAngle(45); // Set Rotation // Voeg een watermerk toe...
Konvertieren Sie SVG-Vektorgrafiken mit Java in JPG-Bilder. Drehen, Spiegeln, Wasserzeichen, Graustufen und Anpassen von Helligkeit und Gamma von konvertierten JPGs mithilfe der Java-API....setRotateAngle(45); // Set Rotation // Fügen Sie Wasserzeichen...
Fügen Sie Präsentationsfolien Bildwasserzeichen hinzu oder wenden Sie Textwasserzeichen auf PPT-, PPTX-, PPS- und weitere Formate in Java an, indem Sie die GroupDocs-Wasserzeichen-API verwenden....PPTX auf allen Folien mit Rotation hinzufügen. /* * Beispiel:...
Перетворення зображень у PDF на Java. Перетворюйте JPG, PNG, WebP, GIF, TIFF, TGA та багато інших зображень у PDF за допомогою Java API перетворення документів і зображень....setRotate(Rotation.On90); // Обертання options...