Převeďte PowerPoint PPT, PPTX do PDF v .NET. Příklady kódu C# ukazují převod selektivních, po sobě jdoucích snímků a vodoznaků pomocí Conversion API....= 2, PagesCount = 1, Rotate = Rotation.On180, Dpi = 300, Width...
Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 18.10. Major Features There are the following features in this release:
Implemented API to extract images from documents Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type PARSERNET-65 Implement API to extract images from documents New feature PARSERNET-69 Implement the ability to extract images from PDF New feature PARSERNET-71 Implement the ability to extract images from spreadsheets New feature PARSERNET-72 Implement the ability to extract images from text documents New feature PARSERNET-74 Implement the ability to extract images from presentations New feature Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....the image area Rotation Angle of the image rotation (0 if image...image isn’t rotated) MediaType MIME type of the image GetBitmapStream...
Put signature on all document pages. This property can only be used for multi-frames image formats (Tiff)....) RotationAngle Rotation angle of signature on document...
Questo manuale fornisce istruzioni dettagliate per convertire Excel in Image in C# e come sviluppare codice per implementare l'applicazione Converti Excel in Image C#.... FlipMode, Width, Height, Rotation angel e molti altri. Alla...