Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in an electronic note file.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents vCard Agent record metadata class.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents ZIP archive metadata.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a project management format.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Provides the main class to access metadata in all supported formats.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents a revision (tracked change) in a document.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents a CMS signer info attribute.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in an DjVu image.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents a metadata package containing document-specific file format information.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents ASF codec metadata.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...