Represents email message metadata.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents MPEG audio metadata.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a JPEG image.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
A structure containing the characteristics of a colorant (swatch) used in a document.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents a TXXX frame in an ID3V2Tag.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents a text frame in an ID3V2Tag. Almost all frames starting with the T character fall into this category. There is only one exception, which... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents international textual data extracted from a PNG image.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a diagram.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents vCard custom record metadata class.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...
Represents a root package for document formats such as PDF, WordProcessing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, etc.... The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages...predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages...